
Professional Growth and Development

Professional Development Activities

  • Tapping and EFT Training:
    One of the trainings I have taken part in was an EFT and Tapping seminar. This seminar of professional development was eye opening into the power of tapping as a de-escalation tool for students in distress. I have used this with some elementary students in my internship experience and have found it to be a useful tool for children that need to feel grounded in high anxiety moments.
  • Multicultural and Diversity Training:
    One of the trainings I have taken part in was a multicultural and diversity seminar. In the field of counseling it can be crucial for us as counselors to be informed of how a students culture impacts their worldview, their experiences, and their traditions. I found this training a great refresher and boost of confidence that I can use my knowledge to advocate for change in the schools I work in. I want to make sure that all of my students feel understood and heard.

Professional Membership

American School Counselor
Association While at Regent University, I have been an active member of the American School Counselor Association. I have been keeping up with current events in the school counseling field and keeping up with periodicals sent out and posted to the ASCA website.

Volunteer Service

Summer Camp Counseling
I volunteered with Hanover County Parks and Recreation as a summer camp counselor for elementary aged children over the summer of 2022. I would lead children through activities and lessons that were being held at the camp. I was also there to help the children that may have needed more of an advocate. During my time there, I was met with many opportunities to advocate for child’s needs and found this to be a very rewarding experience.